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PVC-akende müük Tallinnas asuvast laost



Delivery time varies from product to product and is indicated in the product description. The delivery time of your orders depends on whether we have the ordered item in stock or whether we need to order it from the manufacturer.


“IN STOCK” – This means the item will arrive to you within 1-10 business days (delivery time to the islands depends on the time of year and weather conditions)

“ON ORDER” – This is the estimated time in which you will receive the item. In this case, we must order it from the manufacturer. A 2-10 week delivery includes:

  • manufacturer’s lead time
  • when the order arrives at our warehouse
  • delivery time to you


  • by courier XXXXX to the entrance of the building – YY €;
  • by delivery to a postal machine – NNN €;
  • self-delivery (at the Seller’s representative office in Tallinn) – 0 €.

